Since we moved on this end of Harper Road, we realized we were living among many of the Harper family members. We've even kept the "Harper" door knocker on the front door because it reminds us of the family that built and lived in this house before we came along. We have been told of the big family and friend gatherings that took place here over the years. Seems that Irene Harper was accustomed to feeding the whole family on holidays, special occasions and even the choir from their church. Sometimes, I just imagine the activity that might have taken place in our kitchen, in the woods around the house, in the living room where we watch TV...
Now here's the cool part...two of Irene and Andrew's sons that grew up in our house now live in the 2 houses across the street from us (the other son lives in Kernersville). One of the "boys", Richard and his wife Lynette are celebrating their 50th anniversary this month. Right after they got married they lived here with Richard's parents (and his little brothers) for several months and then...5o years later they are coming here to have their portraits made in honor of their 5oth anniversary! Honestly, I've seen their wedding photos and Richard and Lynnette still look a LOT like they did then. They haven't changed as much as Harper Road has...it was a dirt country road back then...what a difference 5o years can make.