The Coffee Beanery + Anne Grant + lots of Seniors'09 = Too much fun! We had such a great time meeting all of our prospective Senior Spokesmodels '09 last Tuesday night. We have a fabulous group represented: Drama Queens, Cheerleaders, Volunteers, Debaters, Yearbook Reps, Soccer/Field Hockey/Cross Country - these girls are diverse and we love it! Our spokesmodels are going to have such a blast expressing their personalities in their portraits - some of them want to bring their cheerleading uniforms, their pets, even their boyfriends to use as "props!" Seniors are signed up from Reagan, West Forsyth, Starmount, North Davidson, Mt. Tabor, and Davie - was your school mentioned? We're still recruiting for '09, so if you've heard about our Spokesmodel program (you get a free FUN photography session, free collages for facebook or myspace, free referral cards, plus you can earn credits towards portraits or CASH or even an ipod!), but thought it was too late to become one - it's not! Fill out an application on our website or call us at the studio to schedule your information session.