Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beautiful Rainy Day...

One of the questions I get most often is, "What do we do about our outdoor portrait session if it is not sunny or if it rains?"

Unless it is raining pretty hard at the moment of our session, we don't need to reschedule. Sometimes it is pouring rain while people are en route to the studio and by the time they arrive, the sun is shining and everything is fresh from a quick shower.

This was a day where there was a very light rain, so we went outdoors to our shady area that serves as a natural umbrella. Notice how the colors "pop" on an overcast day. We primarily don't want our equipment to get wet or for our clients clothing & hair to get wet (bad hair day!), but we have even been known to hold an umbrella over the subjects and the camera and carry on...

We Have An Announcement...

Last Thursday was a wild day at Anne Grant Photography! So much was going on - sessions, portrait presentations, getting ready for Family Portrait Month, dogs running here and there, FedEx deliveries, the usual studio fare.
As we were all caught up in the busyness of the day, the most exciting thing happened.. we had a phone call. It was from Spencer, Anne & Nolan's son, and he announced that Anne & Nolan had a grandson!
The newest member of the Grant family, Carter Spencer Grant, was born on Thursday, September 11 at about 11:30am, weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs., 14 oz. Carter's parents, Crystal & Spencer Grant are both doing well and savoring every minute with their new addition!
You will probably be seeing a lot of our newest

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Family Portrait Month at The Village Photographer

For more information on our most popular (and meaningful) promotions of the year, see the Family Portrait Month link on our website www.grantphoto.com/family.htm
This is our 4th year partcipating in this worthwhile event and we look forward to topping the past 3 years in what we can do for Operation Smile. We hope you can join us!

Family Portrait Month Is Coming

We are proud to be one of the top contributors for PPA Charities Family Portrait Month that benefits Operation Smile. Here's a video that shows the meaning behind it...