I mentioned in an earlier blog post that one of our long-time clients, Rachel Keener
http://rachelkeener.com/ has authored a novel ,
The Killing Tree. She has begun her "publicity tour" here in Winston-Salem, first at the library downtown, then at Barnes & Noble.

I had not been to a book signing for a novel before. I was and still am in the process of reading the book (it takes me a long time to finish a book!) I loved that I had already gotten to know the characters a little bit, but then the people in the story came to life as Rachel described them. So unless you hear something that spoils the ending for you, I recommend going to a book signing/discussion/reading while you are in the middle of it. There was quite a crowd there, the book signing line went all around the store and she was such a celeb being photographed with her fans, including me!

Her husband Kip was there, beaming with pride and said he would love a life of going from one bookstore to another for her books...she already has another novel in the works. Way to go, Rachel!