Matthew and Jonathan #1 are little boys who keep their parents very busy, each with their own wonderful personality. We have been photographing them since they were tiny babies and their parents bring a lot of great ideas to each session. During a session, sometimes we need to let the littlest subjects just play around a little. It can be very entertaining to see the way they playfully tease each other... [you may need to click on the image to see their cute expressions & moods]
Now, fast forward about 18 years to Jonathan and Matthew #2. If these guys look familiar to any of you, it's because these brothers have worked at Anne Grant Photography since 2007, mastering anything from retouching and framing to landscaping and mowing! Jonathan came first while he was a senior at West Forsyth HS. When he was ready to go to Appalachian State after 2 years at Forsyth Tech, we hired his brother, Matthew in 2009. Now that Matthew has completed his 2 years at Forsyth Tech, he is leaving to go to UNC-Charlotte. We wish them the best in their college careers and beyond!
Having personally experienced both of these life cycles, from little ones in your arms and at your feet all the way to the "empty nest", I can say that I treasure it all...even though it does seem to fly by!
It is our greatest pleasure to be a part of our studio families' lives, reflecting every life stage in portraits!