Friday, July 9, 2010

My Daddy, My Hero

About a year ago a cute couple that had just gotten married came to our studio wanting some portraits of the two of them to commemorate their wedding. Matt "Tucker" is in the Army and both him and his wife Kayla were ready for any creative ideas we had for them. Of course during their session and throughout the last year we have grown pretty close to the whole family. Kayla's mother would call us throughout the year to let us know where Tucker was stationed and how things were going, we were so excited to get the phone call last fall that they would be expecting their first baby in June!

Tucker is now stationed in Afghanistan and has been home on R&R for the last two weeks. While he was home he was fortunate to be here for the big day! Summer arrived on June 28, 2010. They have been trying to put as many things into 2 weeks (336 hours) as they can and we were blessed to be able to spend three hours of that time with them today. We would like to show you a few of our favorite portraits from Kayla and Tucker's wedding session and also a few from today's session. Tucker sadly has to leave this Sunday morning and head back to Afghanistan until December. What a wonderful husband, daddy, and soldier he is to make this big of a sacrifice for our freedom. Thank you Tucker and family! We are thankful to have you all in the Anne Grant Photography family.


Unknown said...

Anne, Nolan & Denise Thank you~Thank you and a million times thank you. This is just a small reason why I bring what is important to me~ to YOU!
I continue to be amazed with your God given talent and feel blessed that you share it with us. It is funny how a photo shoot has turned into a friendship.