Friday, January 14, 2011

Generations of Love ~ Wesley's Newborn Portrait Session

The first portrait session of the new year was one of the most anticipated events at our studio.

The Anne Grant Team joins with one of our own, Denise & her husband Ben, in celebrating the birth of their first child, Wesley.

Along with Wesley's grandparents and even great-grandparents, we all marveled over the perfect miracle that each new life represents.
Being photographers, you can imagine all that Denise and I had planned for his first portrait session. Even though he was only a few days old, he was very patient with us!
By the way, he didn't really weigh almost 12 pounds! He is a big boy, but the accuracy is thrown off because of the antique scales & the added weight of the blanket.


Karen Goforth said...

How sweet Denise!!!! I hope he likes to camp!!!!!