Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Think Negative!

OK, before you think we're having a bad day talking about negative things, we are really talking about something very exciting for our long time clients.
We are selling our film negatives from earlier sessions completed before we converted our studio to digital processes in 2003-2004. That doesn't seem like that long ago, but aside from the introduction of color film in the ealier part of the last century, it really amazes me how photography has changed so much in the last 10 years!
On a personal note, as we approach close to 20 years as a professional studio, I am glad to have had the opportunity to experience using film, working in the darkroom and  using a completely manual camera. Although, I love the digital processes we use now, that experience really taught me about how the light entering the camera transforms into a print...in it's purest form.
Anyway, the negatives are yours for only $99 for each session. If you have more than one session, we will be glad to give you a lower per-session bundle price of only $19-$49 each set, depending on the number of sessions.  These are primarily medium format negatives and, of course, they are the only copy available. Our digital images are backed up to several computers and other media, but that is not the case with the original film negative. We will provide you with the only original copy of your images to print or share with other family members...or to simply have for safekeeping in a safety deposit box. You do have the option of having them scanned so they can be saved as you would your digital images. One that we found is @ scancafe.com. Even though we haven't used them personally, their scanning price seems to be the most reasonable.
Just give us a call at 336.766.8367 and we dive into our many boxes of stored negatives to find yours!